This week we have been helping out with Vacation Bible School. (VBS). I don't think we are really helping because we are both doing something we love. I am taking the videos of the kids and my husband is helping the teens with the VBS Band. It is a lot of fun to watch the children interact with the VBS Band and VBS Dancers. Most of the songs have movements and the kids try to copy the VBS Dancers. It is so cute! We hope to post some of the highlights of this by next week. For now here is a video that the youth minster of First Baptist Church-Kingsville, Michael Gleason made.
One of the things that I will need to work on is how to blur out faces that can not be posted on the Internet. This will be a tough challenge for me since I don't know how to do it yet. It would be easier to cut them out and not use any of the footage that they are in but I may want to show what the other people are doing around them. We shall see my progress next week!