Monday, March 11, 2013

The Fight Against Cancer

 Here are some facts that I have found while doing some more research for the Relay For Life. According to CNN new as of January 2013
"The decline in deaths from 1991 to 2009 is clear evidence of progress in the fight against cancer. It is far more powerful than other statistics such as increasing survival rates or declining incidence rates."

"There were declines in the death rates for a number of major cancers. Lung, colorectal, breast and prostate cancer make up nearly half of all cancers diagnosed in the United States. All four had greater than 30% decreases in mortality rates."

"The single biggest reason for this good news is reduction in smoking rates. Improvements in early detection and cancer treatment also contributed to the decline."

 The American Cancer Society and The Relay For Life hand in hand help educate people about cancer risks, find treatments, help provide for those who may have financial hardship and assist those without health insurance. For more information about how your donations help please visit their official web site at

On the right is a video of the most awesome person I meet at the 2012 Relay For Life. This woman demonstrated strength that I do not have.

Link for video is here if you can not view it on this page.
This why we participate in The Kleberg County Bishop Texas Relay For Life.

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