Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Kleberg Co. and Bishop Texas Relay For Life

It is NEVER too early to start getting ready for the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life. This is one event that we enjoy getting ready for year after year. This is our 13th year in participating in the event in one form or another. 
The reason why we participate in Relay For Life is because we want to keep the memory alive of our family members who have lost the fight against cancer. We want to honor the memory of my college professor who encourage me to work on the first Relay For Life video and just recently lost his battle with brain cancer and we do this in honor of our family members who are cancer survivors and kick cancer in the rear!

Relay For Life is the American Cancer Society signature event to raise funds and local awareness for all types of cancer.  

"Relay For Life teams camp out overnight and take turns walking or running around a track or path at a local high school, park, or fairground. Events are up to 24 hours long, and because cancer never sleeps, each team is asked to have at least one participant on the track at all times." - Relay For Life. org
Our event is on April 11, 2014 and will be held at the Javelina boulevard on the campus of Texas A&M University Kingsville. I am so excited for this year's event because I will be the event co-chair. In years past I have work on the official Kleberg Co. and Bishop Relay for Life videos but will take a step back from that and let someone else shoot the video. Of course I am going to help edit some of the footage but it will be nice to give someone else a chance at creating the majority of it. Honestly the videos need a fresh look and feel so I think this is for this best.

For more information about this event or to donate to the American Cancer Society go to this link here. The link will take you to our family's personal Relay For Life fundraiser page. So far we have raised $130. Our goal this year is $600. Last year we raised a little over $500 and thought that this year we would try to raise a little more. 


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